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Tag: security

  • How to become a Security Engineer

    How to become a Security Engineer

    There is no direct route into security engineering, a combination of education and experience will help, however developing an aptitude towards hands on work, and being a creator is definitely a huge advantage. Get a degree, this is a good start, the earlier you get a degree the easier it will be secure a position.…

  • Quick Guide to Security Certifications, which one to get and what not to do

    Quick Guide to Security Certifications, which one to get and what not to do

    Obtaining a security certification is a valuable way to demonstrate your expertise, knowledge and ability to show you are a self-starter in the field of cyber security. Identify your career goals and the specific area of cyber security you want to specialize in, this will help narrow down the available certifications. Research how to complete,…

  • Top three methods to improve security culture

    Top three methods to improve security culture

    Improving security culture within an organisation is necessary to secure the human and to promote both personal and collective responsibility for security. These are the three most important areas where security culture can be improved from. 1. Employee Education and Awareness, using a combination of creating comprehensive security training for all employees, conduct targeted phishing…

  • Three step plan to protect containers

    Three step plan to protect containers

    Welcome and thank you for reading this article!  Protecting containers is essential to the security of a container-based application, data and associated services integrated with it. Where to start? This three step plan will help mitigate against the majority of threats, with the understanding container security is continuous with no real end stage. 1. Follow…

  • What services to protect in the azure cloud first?

    What services to protect in the azure cloud first?

    Hello and welcome back! While Azure provides a semi-secure cloud platform very dependent on the user configuration, the level of security risk associated with specific Azure services can also vary greatly depending on factors such as the purpose of the service, its configuration, and also to some degree the security culture within the organisation. There…

  • How to introduce security into DevOps?

    How to introduce security into DevOps?

    Evolving from DevOps to DevSecOps, is it a ‘pipeline dream’ or something that can work within an organisation. This article covers the areas a business need to focus on to help make it happen. DevOps practices (combination of development and IT operations) can be critical to a business and its profitability, so it is important…

  • How to make a secure file upload secure?

    How to make a secure file upload secure?

    Thirteen steps to make your file upload more robust against attack. Pragmatic cyber security tips to help secure your file upload feature, forming part of an application, such as internet facing web application. 1. All validation processes should be performed on the server, not on the client side, this is to prevent user manipulation from…

  • What is Security Architecture?

    What is Security Architecture?

    This article covers the key areas of responsibility of the Security Architecture team within cybersecurity, to better inform and educate professionals of this important role. What is security architecture? What may be surprising, some professionals within the cyber security community do not understand the role. As a result it can lead to conflicting responsibilities and…
