Teaching Cyber Blog

Cybersecurity Home Project Ideas for All Levels

No matter what level of experience you have working within the cyber security there is always opportunity for home project experiments.  These are great for helping to keep yourself and family secure but also help your employer secure their business too!

Build a Secure Network.  Using existing equipment or buying new, configuring all your network appliances using the built in security controls and configurations.  An example of this is your router, enabling strong encryption protocols, changing default passwords, and disabling remote administration, creating ringfenced guest accounts and virtual networks.  While doing this, research online the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Password Management.  Build a home password management system to not only securely store credentials but to also generate new credentials for you and your family. You can use password managers sold by vendors, learn to configure and manage at a small scale to help you understand their implementation and functionality.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Management. Similar to password management, use an authentication application to help manage two-factor authentication (MFA) for your online accounts to add an extra layer of security. Using authenticator apps like Google Authenticator or hardware tokens helps you to understand functionality and limitation of each product while at the same time improving your own personal security.

Create a Virtual Private Network.  Set up a VPN server at home to encrypt your internet traffic and provide secure remote access to your home network when you’re away.  You can also extend this to build a VPN in the cloud where you and your whole family can access.

Home Firewall Configuration.  Build, implement and manage a firewall to protect your home network from potential security threats. You can use hardware firewalls or software firewalls, and this will give a very good appreciation of managing a security solution that is always on.  These kinds of projects literally bring home the reality of managing solutions that cannot be left unattended.

Install Anti-Virus and Malware Protection.  Install and configure endpoint protection software on your computers and devices to protect against malicious software.  This will protect the devices you and your family use on a daily basis from the most common types of attack.  It helps you to learn how to install, update and manage security software, and identify how effective they really are.

Learn to Protect your Privacy.  Install browser extensions that block tracking cookies, adverts and use privacy-oriented search engines.  Configure online resources to use as little of your data as possible avoiding to opt-in to any advertising.  This will give a great appreciation of learning the balance between privacy and functionality, particularly operating on the internet and how it could apply to the workplace.


