Teaching Cyber Blog

Protect your Cloud Accounts in 3 Steps

Cloud service providers are an ever-attractive target as organisations move data, applications, and resources into them. this article helps and provides the three steps you need to take as a priority.

Cloud service providers are an ever-attractive target as organisations move data, applications, and resources into them. Cloud security is a complicated discipline with no quick fix, this article helps and provides the three steps you need to take as a priority.

1. Identity Access Management

Identity Access Management, have strong authentication and access Controls, this means enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all user accounts accessing any of your cloud accounts. MFA require users to provide an additional factor such as a code generated on their mobile device.  Manage users through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), specific permissions and access controls are applied to users through the role they perform, privileges are limited to only what is necessary for their responsibilities.  Periodic reviews of user accounts, roles, permissions are essential, removing no longer needed permissions, immediately removing access for inactive, legacy or leavers.

2. Cloud Security Configuration and Monitoring

Cloud Security Configuration and Monitoring, follow best practices recommended by the cloud service provider and other consensus-based organisations, this includes network, encryption, applications and storage. Regularly audit the secure configurations in line with current security recommendations.  Enable logging and monitoring for your cloud account, including network traffic, access logs, application logs, and resource utilization. This needs to be in line with your budget, prioritising the most critical resources first.  Use cloud-native monitoring services or use third-party security tools to detect security incidents promptly.

3. Data Protection and Backup

Data Protection and backup, encrypt data both in transit and at rest everywhere, for remote connectivity use secure communication such as Virtual Private Networking (VPN). Backup all business data using tried and tested backup schedules, prioritise the critical data and resources first above all other data. Use off cloud backups to ensure data availability and recoverability in the event of data loss, accidental deletion, or a security incident affecting a cloud service provider.  Include a disaster recovery plan that includes cloud-specific services and recovery. Remember to test and validate any backup or recovery process, to ensure the ability to restore services and data in case of a catastrophic event.

For a course on Secure Cloud Configuration, check out my online course available on Udemy:

Ultimate Alibaba Cloud Security for All Levels


